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Turbo-charge your next event with a world-class keynote speaker - who will captivate your audience in seconds with an electrifying, engaging, entertaining, interactive, relevant, insightful and challenging presentation that they will remember for a very long time.
Email right now - or call us
Begin a personal conversation about a keynote for your corporate event: [email protected].
There is more on this website about Patrick Dixon, one of the world's best known keynote speakers, than you will find about any other keynote speaker you have ever worked with (we think). Hundreds of keynote videos, keynote slides, keynote summaries.
And if Patrick Dixon is not available, or you need a different kind of keynote speaker, we can put you in touch with Leigh Bureau who can help you out.
Tell us about your audience / purpose, possible date, location....and please DO include your mobile number.
(However, if you have a query or comment about a topic on the site, please use the form on the relevant page.)
As you will see from hundreds of videos on the site, every keynote is customised, to create a sharply relevant, provocative, engaging, highly interactive, visually rich and entertaining audience experience - which fits precisely into your programme. Patrick Dixon also chairs events, leads panels, runs Innovation Workshops, leads board-level strategy reviews and so on. We think you will find more about him online than about any other keynote speaker you have ever worked with - on this huge website alone.
Planning world-class corporate events can be really challenging. The more successful your last event was, the higher expectations will be next next time around. Patrick Dixon has spoken at over 1000 different events, forums and conferences in over 50 nations, and has worked with more than 400 of the world's largest multinationals, so he knows what works really well in different settings and cultures, and it's great to talk these things through at the planning stage.
And one thing that always gets attention is a highly memorable and enjoyable keynote by an author with a new book... And yes, he always signs every copy personally for conference organisers who are giving them to delegates.
If you need to contact us urgently, eg about an event at short notice, or a media enquiry, a mobile number is below. The fastest way to reach a member of the team is often an SMS.
Looking forward to hearing from you today.
[email protected] or Mobile: +44 7768 511 390
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OK - here is a final thought before we speak....the secret of every really successful keynote speaker is....
Start the conversation right now: [email protected] or +44 7768 511 390