Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker -
Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker
Future of leadership, management, marketing and motivation. Future of manufacturing, logistics and supply chain management. Future of services, health care, biotech, nanotech, health care, pharma and ageing. Future of globalisation, geopolitics. Future of e-commerce and future of retail, online shopping, mobile marketing, social marketing, viral marketing, shopping malls, food and drink retail.
Internet of Things, Big Data, Little Data, Cloud computing - and impact of all these on business, customers and cybersecurity risk management. Future of energy industry, water and utilities. Future of sustainability, ethics, corporate values, regulation and human resources. Patrick Dixon keynote speaker at UWEBC event in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Read more: The Future of Almost Everything - UWEBC conference keynote speaker Patrick Dixon - Futurist VIDEO