Truth about AI and Sustainability - huge positive impact of AI on ESG UN goals, but energy consumed

AI will help a sustainable future - despite massive energy and water consumption. AI Keynote speaker

The TRUTH about AI. How AI will change your life - new AI book, beyond all the hype. Practical Guide

How AI Will Change Your Life: author, AI keynote speaker Patrick Dixon, Heathrow Airport WH Smiths

How AI will change your life - a Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon is a Global Keynote Speaker on AI, Author of 18 BOOKS, Europe's Leading Futurist with 25 year track record advising large multinationals - CALL NOW +44 7768 511390

How AI Will Change Your Life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon signs books and talks about key messages - future of AI, how AI will change us all, how to respond to AI in business, personal life, government. CALL +44 7768 511390

Future of Sales and Marketing in 2030: physical audience of 800 + 300 virtual at hybrid event. Digital marketing / AI, location marketing. How to create MAGIC in new marketing campaigns. Future of Marketing Keynote Speaker

TRUST is the most important thing you sell. Even more TRUE for every business because of AI. How to BUILD TRUST, win market share, retain contracts, gain customers. Future logistics and supply chain management. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Future of Artificial intelligence - discussion on AI opportunities and Artificial Intelligence threats. From AI predictions to Artificial Intelligence control of our world. What is the risk of AI destroying our world? Truth about Artificial Intelligence

How to make virtual keynotes more real and engaging - how I appeared as an "avatar" on stage when I broke my ankle and could not fly to give opening keynote on innovation in aviation for. ZAL event in Hamburg

"I'm doing a new book" - 60 seconds to make you smile. Most people care about making a difference, achieving great things, in a great team but are not interested in growth targets. Over 270,000 views of full leadership keynote for over 4000 executives

Futurist Keynote Speakers - how Futurist Keynotes transform events, change thinking, enlarge vision, sharpen strategic thinking, identify opportunities and risks. Patrick Dixon is one of the world's best known Futurist Keynote Speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Colonies on Mars, space travel and how digital / Artificial Intelligence / AI will help us live decades longer - comment before Futurist keynote for 1400 at Avnet Silica event. Futurist Keynote Speaker on AI

Future of Travel and Tourism post COVID. Boom for live experiences beyond AI. What hunger for "experience" means for future aviation, airlines, hotels, restaurants, concerts halls, trends in leisure events, theme parks. Travel Industry Keynote Speaker

Quiet Quitters: 50% US workforce wish they were working elsewhere. How engage Quiet Quitters and transform to highly engaged team members. Why AI / Artificial Intelligence is not answer. How to tackle the Great Resignation. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

The Great Resignation. 50% of US workers are Quiet Quitters. They have left in their hearts, don't believe any longer in your strategy. 40% want to leave in 12 months. Connect with PURPOSE to win Quiet Quitters. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

Future of Human Resources. Virtual working, motivating hybrid teams, management, future of motivation and career development. How to develop high performance teams. HR Keynote Speaker

Speed of change often slower than people expect! I have successfully forecast major trends for global companies for over 25 years. Focus on factors driving long term changes, with agile strategies for inevitable disruptive events. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Agile leadership for Better Risk Management. Inflation spike in 2022-3 - what next? Expect more disruptive events, while megatrends will continue relentlessly to shape longer term future globally in relatively predictable ways. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Crazy customers! Changing customer expectations. Why many decisions are irrational. Amusing stories. Lessons for Leadership, Management and Marketing - Futurist Keynote Speaker VIDEO

Future Trends - Global Economy, Markets, Economic Forecasts - keynote speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Patrick Dixon, Chairman of Global Change Ltd, author of 18 books, one of world's best known keynote speakers,  ranked one of the 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50)Future Trends - hundreds of Futurist articles / videos and keynote conference presentations on growth strategies, economic outlook and industry trends.  Industry-related content can be selected using the YOUR FUTURE link above. He has advised senior teams / given keynotes for hundreds of the world's largest corporations on a wide range of global trends, including macroeconomic and geopolitical shifts, demographics, consumers, markets and industry issues. Client list. Patrick Dixon has given Futurist keynotes at events in North America, Central America, Latin America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Scandinavia, Africa, Central Asia, South East Asia and Asia Pacific.


Beyond Chaos - how to survive and thrive. What next for global trade, tariffs, Russian war, other geopolitical risks and the global economy.

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Comment on "global chaos' - March 2025 

As a Futurist who has worked with over 400 of the world's largest corporations, as well as advising many governments, I have successfully forecast a huge range of global trends over the last 30 years.

Described in many of my 18 books including Futurewise, The Future of Almost Everything, SustainAgility and most recently How AI Will Change Your Life. See also this website.

Our world is undergoing a major convulsion created by geopolitical threats, autocratic leaders and massive tehno-changes such as AI. What does this mean for the future?

Here are my key messages for leaders of companies and governments.  You may be the largest bank in the world, an AI giant or on oil company - the same factors apply.

Reality Check - Megatrends will continue to drive global growth

It's vital to keep a sense of perspective in times of chaos – to keep focussed on the larger picture.

Our planet continues to turn, day in, day out - and lives of almost all ordinary people continue to change relatively slowly.

Despite the frenzy of media news-feeds, the TRUTH is that our world will continue to be driven by macro-forces which are far more powerful than any government.

Examples include:

  • Innovation and techno-revolutions such as AI
  • Demographic changes – population growth, better health and ageing
  • Wealth contrasts across regions – driving mass migrations 
  • Rapid growth in power and influence of emerging markets
  • Global race towards a more ‘sustainable’ future

Read more: Beyond Chaos - how to survive and thrive. What next for global trade, tariffs, Russian war, other geopolitical risks and the global economy.


THE TRUTH ABOUT FUTURE MASS MIGRATION - a people movement with greater force than any military superpower. As I predicted in "Futurewise" (1998-2005), large scale migration is now unstoppable, able to break governments, yet many nations NEED migration

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

THE TRUTH ABOUT FUTURE MASS MIGRATION - a people movement with greater force than any military superpower.

As I predicted in "Futurewise" (1998-2005), large scale migration is already an unstoppable, global force, powerful enough to break governments and fuel extremists, likely to lead to civil unrest and chaos in some nations. 1 billion will move from fields to cities in the next 30 years, of which 100m will cross at least one border legally or illegally, fleeing conflicts and severe poverty.

The truth is that at least 50 million people today are willing to risk death to find a better life for themselves and those they love. Many of them will do so. They feel they have nothing to loose and are driven by a powerful vision of a better future. The causes of such intense despair and desperation are complex but very important to understand.

Yet migration will also be a vital part of the longer term future of many developed nations, bringing many much needed skills and other resources, as well as enriching culture and encouraging innovation.

Indeed, many developed nations will experience national decline without significant migration - for reasons below.

Looking for a world-class keynote speaker on geopolitics and government? Call +44 7768 511390.

Read more: THE TRUTH ABOUT FUTURE MASS MIGRATION - a people movement with greater force than any military superpower. As I predicted in "Futurewise" (1998-2005), large scale migration is now unstoppable, able to break governments, yet many nations NEED migration


COVID, Russia, Energy Crisis, inflation spike, interest rate rises, AI impact on society - how many more shocks can we expect? What next? Interview with Futurist Keynote Speaker and Trends Analyst - Patrick Dixon

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

July 2022

First question: You warned many times over the last few years of the risks of a new viral pandemic.  What do you think will happen next with COVID?

Yes.  In The Future of Almost Everything for example, my 17th book published in 2019, I again warned of viral pandemic threats.  

On page 19, I wrote a list of Wild Cards - top of which was ""Viral plaque - rapidly spreading, cases in every nation".  Another on the list was "Miscalculation by a powerful nation leading to sustained regional conflict" - but that's another story.

I have been tracking many new mutant viruses for over three decades now and on average we see one every year, often emerging in the Far East for reasons we don't fully understand.When I was 30 years old, my work caring for those dying of cancer at home was suddenly overwhelmed by people dying from a new mutant virus that appeared from nowhere, having jumped from animals into humans.  It was spreading fast, created massive fear and panic, with no vaccine or cure, and that virus has since killed 35 million people.Over 30 years later, despite vast research efforts we still have no vaccine nor a cure.  That virus was HIV, causing AIDS.  

So I have always worried that we would see more mutant viruses appear from nowhere and go global.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world - including new risks of viral pandemics.

Read more: COVID, Russia, Energy Crisis, inflation spike, interest rate rises, AI impact on society - how many more shocks can we expect? What next? Interview with Futurist Keynote Speaker and Trends Analyst - Patrick Dixon


Future of the Global Economy Post Covid - impact of trillions of dollars of economic stimulus and wider megatrends on longer term economic growth in developed nations and emerging markets

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker at Seminarium Chile on Logistics, Supply Chains and Global Economy

* Patrick Dixon advises many of the world's largest corporations on global trends, including banks, insurers and governments. 

What factors will shape longer term economic growth globally?  What about life beyond COVID?  What will be the impact of the combined economic stimulus of Central Banks?

There have been two major economic crises in the last 12 years: the banking crisis and now the pandemic crisis.

Major economic factors that will shape the next decade and beyond

Here are the major factors likely to shape the global economy over the next decade and beyond: (Article posted in April 2021 - judge for yourself how right it was.)

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including outlook for the global economy.

Read more: Future of the Global Economy Post Covid - impact of trillions of dollars of economic stimulus and wider megatrends on longer term economic growth in developed nations and emerging markets


More to Life than COVID. Why (exactly as I predicted) most megatrends were NOT radically impacted by COVID. Future impact of COVID on industry strategy, supply chains and wider world. Global trends and Risk management keynote speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

As I predicted when the COVID pandemic began, we've seen very few if any new trends, just acceleration of existing ones.

Here is the truth about the longer term impact of the COVID pandemic. I have been forecasting global trends for over 25 years, with a strong track record of proven results, advising over 400 of the world's largest multinationals, in every industry, across every region, often sharing platforms with their CEOs at their most important events.  And I also warned many times of new global pandemics like COVID-19.

It's easy to get carried away by sensationalist headlines, and to imagine that life on earth will never be the same again, that COVID-19 will permanently reshape our whole world, causing revolutions in every industry and nation. But the reality is going to be rather different...  (Article posted July 2020 with minor edits in October 2021 - Judge for yourself how accurate it was.)

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world.

Read more: More to Life than COVID. Why (exactly as I predicted) most megatrends were NOT radically impacted by COVID. Future impact of COVID on industry strategy, supply chains and wider world. Global trends and Risk management keynote speaker


I WARNED for YEARS about new pandemic threats like COVID, as a Futurist and physician. Here is the TRUTH about COVID. Impact on future of health care, workplace, retail, travel, corporate events etc. All successful companies have to MEET to THRIVE.

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Here is the truth about COVID.  The bad news and the good news.

For many years I warned as a global futurist and physician about risks from new global pandemics such as COVID.  

And many of my forecasts since the COVID pandemic began have turned out to be correct.  

Yes COVID is a massive global menace and we have very far to go in overcoming COVID, but the world has not come to an end.

Separating FACT from FICTION

Many existing trends have been accelerated but the fundamentals drivers of the global economy have not changed.

Trends that have shaped our world step by step over the last 20-30 years have not suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

And human nature endures as the greatest constant of all: needs, hopes, dreams, desires and fears.

So what next? 

(Written July 2021)

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on future of health care.

Read more: I WARNED for YEARS about new pandemic threats like COVID, as a Futurist and physician. Here is the TRUTH about COVID. Impact on future of health care, workplace, retail, travel, corporate events etc. All successful companies have to MEET to THRIVE.


Life After COVID Pandemic. Impact on Business and Industry Strategy- accelerating older trends. Long term picture, business survival + recovery. Virtual board strategy, virtual keynote speaker, video seminars and leadership. Futurist keynote speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Business strategies for a post-coronavirus world. As a physician by first training and a Futurist advisor / keynote speaker on industry trends and strategy to over 400 of the world's largest 2000 companies, with a proven track record of longer term forecasting over the last 25+ years, here are some guiding principles to business life beyond Coronavirus / COVID-19. Global Crisis will accelerate pre-existing business trends Most mega trends described in my books, including The Future of Almost Everything, will continue to shape the world as before, but the Coronavirus pandemic will bring forward the timings of many key events in many industries. Examples:

Airlines will consolidate more rapidly in Europe because of COVID-19, following US picture over the last decade.  Larger airlines will be most likely to be rescued by government.  Borderline-non-viable airlines will be allowed to fold. Physical retail will lose out even more to online shoppers, with big jump in online sales which will only partially reverse after the pandemic has ended.  Many Shopping Malls will struggle to re-open in developed nations. Even faster growth of virtual working and virtual teams. Faster introduction of virtual learning into college education, MBAs, Business Schools and High Schools etc.

Here is more on Coronavirus / COVID-19 impact on business strategies for travel, transport, retail, leisure spending, entertainment, manufacturing, logistics and supply chains, banking, payments, health care, pharma research, energy and green tech etc.

Book your own board strategy review and coronavirus update - contact Futurist and Physician Dr Patrick Dixon 

Read more: Life After COVID Pandemic. Impact on Business and Industry Strategy- accelerating older trends. Long term picture, business survival + recovery. Virtual board strategy, virtual keynote speaker, video seminars and leadership. Futurist keynote speaker


How China will dominate the world, and why most business leaders are blind to China's impact. Future of China, economy, trade, manufacturing, consumers, retail, e-commerce, military and security. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

By 2040 China will dominate almost all global markets. Most business and government leaders are blind to China's gigantic future impact. China already has the world’s largest banking assets of $42 trillion, and China is the world’s largest economy when measured by Purchasing Power Parity, which takes into account how much the same basic items cost in each nation.

China is the world's largest manufacturer, the largest exporter, the fastest growing consumer market. China is the world leader in digital innovation, high-speed rail and green tech. China generates 40% of all global e-commerce transactions, and files more patents than any other nation. Mandarin is the most common first language spoken by 800 million web users, and China is the world’s largest e-commerce market with 40% of global share.  Chinese people will spend which $1.8 trillion online by 2022....

Read more: How China will dominate the world, and why most business leaders are blind to China's impact. Future of China, economy, trade, manufacturing, consumers, retail, e-commerce, military and security. Futurist Keynote Speaker


The TRUTH about the Global Economy, Wholesale Finance, Future Interest Rates, Real Estate Development and the Future of Banking - Futurist Keynote Speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

We may debate the economics of the world over the last decade, which have been largely driven by growth in emerging markets (where 85% of humanity live), but the fact is that many corporations now have huge cash mountains and no idea what to do with it. Trillions of dollars of cash is sitting in bank accounts of large companies doing nothing at all - more than $2.3 trillion in large Japanese companies alone. $12 trillion was made available a few years ago by Central Banks to the largest banks in their own nations. $3.7 trillion was by the US Federal Reserve alone. In addition $10 trillion of government bonds were issued with negative rates of interest (see below). Yet despite all this, many banks have refused to take cash offered by governments to help stimulate their economies, even when they are effectively fined by Central Banks for doing so...

Read more: The TRUTH about the Global Economy, Wholesale Finance, Future Interest Rates, Real Estate Development and the Future of Banking - Futurist Keynote Speaker


Future Trends - impact on Portugal and rest of world. Managing risk and uncertainty, robotics and AI, and future ethics. Summary of keynote.

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Interview for AESE Business School in Lisbon - about to give a keynote on global trends - 19th October 2017.  Here are major issues that are impacting very large numbers of companies across the world.  I usually group them as six factors that spell the word FUTURE, each of which forms one face of a cube.  The energy which spins the cube is EMOTION – reactions to events or trends are usually more important than events themselves.

“The world can change faster than you can hold a board meeting”, you said in a presentation. Among the hundreds of possibilities of change and innovation, what are the key trends do you foresee as having the most impact in business and personal life in this new World 4.0?"

Read more: Future Trends - impact on Portugal and rest of world. Managing risk and uncertainty, robotics and AI, and future ethics. Summary of keynote.


The truth about Northern Ireland’s borders after Brexit – passports and customs - and how demographic shifts will hugely alter political balance. Comment after keynote.

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

29th September 2017

A lot of nonsense is talked about Brexit.  Here is the truth.

Sorting out all Brexit issues affecting the borders of Northern Ireland could take many years to fully resolve.  At the same time, the EU has made it clear that until a practical solution is agreed, even if such a solution is fine-tuned in future, discussions on a trade deal post-Brexit, will be on permanent hold.

There is a small chance that the entire Brexit process will be halted by a further vote in the UK, which could form part of an election manifesto commitment at the next election.  However this is becoming less likely at the moment, because opinion polls across the UK as a whole are more in favour of Brexit than when the original vote to leave took place.  (At the same time, paradoxically, opinion polls in other EU nations are becoming more positive about being part of the EU.)

For the purposes of this article, let us assume therefore that Brexit happens.

The EU has made absolutely 100% clear that they will not under any circumstances tolerate a breach anywhere in the EU wall controlling goods, services and movements of people across the border into the EU.  That is, unless

Read more: The truth about Northern Ireland’s borders after Brexit – passports and customs - and how demographic shifts will hugely alter political balance. Comment after keynote.


The truth about North Korea, President Trump, the real risk of war, and why options for the Pentagon and rest of world are so limited. What is likely to happen next.

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Despite all the hot words from President Trump and some of the absurd commentary in the media, here is the truth about North Korea’s rapid military direction and about the complete impotence of the rest of the world.  And all taking place at a time when there are more geopolitical risks globally than for 30 years.

The fact is, that as we see every day in the failed state of Zimbabwe, or Afghanistan or more recently in the chaos of Venezuela, or in Syria or Iraq, the most powerful military forces in the world can be humbled and humiliated by the resilience and complexity of the tiniest of nations, however chaotic or weak they may appear to be.

Read more: The truth about North Korea, President Trump, the real risk of war, and why options for the Pentagon and rest of world are so limited. What is likely to happen next.


The Truth about Brexit - part 2 - what is likely to happen next and why, real impact likely to be very different than most expect. Why a second vote on Brexit is still a real possibility.

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Update 4th September 2017

Before and shortly after the Brexit vote I correctly predicted that the UK economy would NOT go into immediate meltdown as so many had falsely forecast.  A lot of people are still talking a lot of nonsense.

Here is the truth about the current situation and what is likely to happen next:

Read more: The Truth about Brexit - part 2 - what is likely to happen next and why, real impact likely to be very different than most expect. Why a second vote on Brexit is still a real possibility.


Life after Brexit: why I was right about immediate impact of the Brexit vote and what next. Why Brexit impact on trade, services, visas, banks and retail sales will be less than many fear

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

Why I was right about immediate impact of the Brexit vote– and what next. We continue to hear toxic nonsense about life after Brexit.  Here is the truth: As I predicted, the impact of Brexit has been slight so far – despite some market turbulence to start with. Most analysts have had to eat their words, together with many political leaders, the IMF and a host of global CEOs – after being proven so spectacularly wrong. Despite constant warnings before and after the vote of instant economic meltdown, chaos, immediate recession, national and EU crisis, we have seen the exact opposite.

Read more: Life after Brexit: why I was right about immediate impact of the Brexit vote and what next. Why Brexit impact on trade, services, visas, banks and retail sales will be less than many fear


Forecasts I made re Brexit were correct: short term and long term. Impact on your personal life, house prices, brexit business strategy, community, EU and wider world. Cut through toxic nonsense. Keynote speaker on geopolitics and economy

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker

We are in completely uncharted waters in troubled times globally and across the EU.  Over 96,000 reads of this page.

(Futurist comment written 24 June 2016 - you can judge for yourself how accurate it has turned out to be)

The decisive vote to divorce the UK from the EU will influence the future of an entire generation of business people. There is no official mechanism for leaving the EU: it has never been done before and there are no guidelines or procedures defined in law - in either the UK or in Brussels. (Comment by Patrick Dixon, Brexit keynote speaker - Brexit strategy advisor).

Brexit will have a profound impact on the future direction of the EU and is likely to trigger multiple, complex global events.  Just the fact that such a Brexit vote took place was already having an impact elsewhere across the EU before voting began.  For example, on 26th February 2016, an opinion poll in Denmark showed that most Danes want to have a vote of their own.  

And there is a significant risk of contagion - spread of uncertainty and fear, into chaos, into instabilities in currencies and economies, radical shifts in business strategies...  In a globalised world, such things can spread at the speed of light.

The longer term future of the EU and the future of the UK will both be driven by a single word, more powerful than economics, or innovation, and that word is of course  “emotion”, linked to the most important single human force in the world today which is TRIBALISM.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world.

Read more: Forecasts I made re Brexit were correct: short term and long term. Impact on your personal life, house prices, brexit business strategy, community, EU and wider world. Cut through toxic nonsense. Keynote speaker on geopolitics and economy


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