18 Books by Futurist Keynote Speaker / Author -
The Genetic Revolution - free biotechnology book
The Genetic Revolution
Chapter 1
1 "Prospects for gene replacement therapy": Birth Defects; 1987(23)3;p297-32
5 Thomas Savery - first steam water pump for miners in 1698.James Watt patented his famous engine in 1769.Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
Chapter 2
10 "Molecular pathology of haemophilia":Q.J.Med;1987 (June);63(242);p473-9
20 "Genetic engineering of Factor 8":Nature;1989(Nov9) 342(6246);p207-8
30 "Artificial chromosomes":Scientific American;1987 Nov;257(5);p62-8
35 It is true that I am excluding here as elsewhere red blood cells which have no nucleus once released into the blood, and sperm or eggs with only 1,500,000,000 bases in them.
40 "Transgenic mice":Bioessays(1987)Feb;6(2);p73-6
50 "Germ line therapy and the clinical ethos of medical gen etics":Theor.Med.1989(June);10(2);p151-65
Chapter 3
60 "When is cloning lawful?":J.In Vitro Fert Embryo Transf;1987(Aug)4(4);p198-204
70 "Cloning of cow and sheep embryos":Genome;1989(31)2;p956-62
90 "New knowledge and aspects in the use of biotechnol ogy":2-Gesamte Inn. Med. 1986(May 1);41(9);p249-55
95 page 58
100 Personal communication 1985 Cambridge research worker
110 "Genetic engineering in transplant research":Transplant.Proc;1987(Feb 19);p36-9
120 Independent magazine: 20.4.91 pp26-30: "Mice as people"
130 "Biohazard":110 page document produced by National Anti-vivi section Society in London in 1987.Quotes over 1000 scien tific papers relating to deliberate transmission of lethal viruses from species to spe cies in US primate centres in the 1960's and 1970's.
135 page 71
140 "Fetal tissue transplantation, bone marrow trans plantation and prospective gene therapy in severe immunodeficiencies and enzyme defi ciencies":Thymus;1987;10(1-2);p75-87
145 "A century of neurotransplantation in ani mals":Neurochirurgie;1990;(36)2;p71-95
Chapter 4
150 "Claims on tissue plasminogen activator":Nature;1989(Jan 26);337(6205);p317-8
160 "Whose genes are they anyway?":Independent 6.5.91 p19
170 "Life forms protectable as subjects of US patents - microbes to animals":Applied Biochem.Biotechnology; 1987(Sep-Dec);16(6);p79-93
180 "Congress to weigh animal pat ents":Science;1987;236(4805);p1058
190 "Patent office puts Genentech out in front":Nature 1987(Nov12-18);330(6144);p97
200 "Groups to fight the new genetic law":Independent 6.5.91 p1
210 "German moratorium urged":Science;1987 (Feb 13);235 (4790);p741
220 "Australian innovation covered by US pat ent":Nature;1989 (Oct 12);341(6242);p473
230 "Biotechnology patents: Dupont battles with Cetus": Nature;1989 (Nov 2);342(6245);p9
240 Example: "EC announces bovine hormone mora torium":Nature;1989 (Sep 28);341(6240);p274
245 "Greens losing gene battle":Nature;1990(Aug 16);346 (6285);p601
250 "New genes for old":Scientific American;1988 (Feb); 258(2);p32, 34
260 "The polymerase chain reaction: an improved method for the analysis of nucleic acids":Hum.Genet.;1989 (Aug);83(1);p1-15
270 "Plasmids in the environment":Schrifteur-ver-Wasser-Boden-Lufthyg;1988;(78);p197-224
280 "Plasmids: properties and use in genetic engineer ing":Genetika;1986 (Aug);22(8);p2042-7
290 page 87
295 "Gene escape model: transfer of heavy metal resis tance genes from E.coli":App. Environ. Microbiol:19 90(Aug);56(8);p2471-9
296 "Problems and potential for in situ treatment of environmental pollutants by engineered micro-organ isms":Microbiol Sci;1987(Feb);4(2);p59-63
297 "Biotechnological treatment of industrial waste water":Microbiol. Sci;1988(June);5(6);p186-90
300 page 89
305 page 89
310 "A high efficiency method for site-directed mutagen esis with any plasmid":Gene;1989 (Dec 7);84(1);p153-7.Average yield of mutants was 60% with simple and rapid techniques.
320 "Monomeric Insulins obtained by protein engineering and their medical implications":Nature;1988 (June 16);333(6179);p679-82
330 "Saccharomyces expressing hepatitis B surface antigen":Postgrad.Med.Journal;1987(63 Sup 2);738;p 65-70
340 "Laboratory bench to production scale":Dev.Biol.Stand;1987;67(3);p201-6
350 "Electroporation: parameters affecting transfer of DNA into mammalian cells":Anal.Biochem;1987 (Jul);1 64(1);p44-52
360 "Electroporation for the efficient transfection of mammalian cells with DNA":Nucleic Acids Research;1987 (Feb 11);15(3);p1311-26.Other tech niques also exist: "Gene replacement by homologous recombination in mammalian cells":Somat.Cell.Mol.Genetics;1987 (July);13(4);p447-9
also "Electroporation as a technique for producing transgenic fish":Cell Differ Dev;1990 (Feb);29(2);p 123-8
370 "Electro-stimulated cell fusion in cell engineer ing":Biofizika;1987 (Sep-Oct);32(5);p874-87
380 "Stable expression in mammalian cells of transfected genes using erythrocyte ghost fusion":Exp.Cell.Res;1987 (nov);173(1);p218-31
There are many ways of doing this and improvements are being made all the time: "Targeted gene replace ment (of mammal cells)":Somat.Cell Mol.Genet(US);19 90(Sept);16(5);p437-41
390 "An alternative approach to somatic cell gene ther apy":Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA;1988 (May);85(9);p3150-4
400 "Production methods and safety evaluations of cytok ines":Dev.Biol.Stand;1988(69);p193-7
410 "Gene replacement and expression of foreign DNA in mycobacteria":Journal of Bacteriology;1990 (Feb);17 2(2);p519-24
420 "Expression of a multidrug resistance - adenosine deaminase fusion gene":Journal of Biol.Chem.;1989 (May 5);264(13);7418-24
430 "Regulation of Insulin-gene expression.Implica tions for gene therapy":N.Engl.J.Med;1987 (Oct 22); 317(17);p1067-76
440 "The molecular pathology of haemo philia":Q.J.Med;1987 (Jun);63(242);p473-91
450 "The human as an experimental system in molecular gen etics":Science;1988 (Jun 10);240(4858);1483-8
455 "Discovery of gene could ai mental handicap screen ing":Independent;1.6.91
460 Independent April 1991
462 "Discovery of the gene defect in cystic fibrosis: implications for diagnosis and treat ment":Clin.Pharm(US);1990(Sept);9(9);p716-7
470 "Who owns the human genome?":Science;1987 (Jul 24); 237(4813);p358-61
475 "Ethical issues in human genome research":FASEB J;1991;5(1);p55-60
480 "Biotechnology and the medicine of the future":JAMA;1988 (Mar 23);259(12);1837-44
490 "General approach to the engineering of synthetic DNA":Bioorg-Khim;1985 (Nov);11(11);p1533-46
492 The Science Museum in West Kensington is well worth a visit.There is an excellent genetic engineering exhibition on the second floor with three dimension al molecules of DNA and virus particles as well as some very clear displays on monoclonal antibody production and reading/writing DNA.Admission is free from 4.30-6.00 p.m. Monday to Sunday.
493 "Clone 3: plasmid drawing and clone management soft ware pro gram for microcomputers":Biotechniques;1990 (Jun);8(6);p690-3
494 "Plasmid optimised for protein design projects":Gene (Nether lands);1990 (Sept 28);94(1);-1-7
495 "DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reac tion":Anal.Chem;1990 (Jul);62(13);p1202-14
500 "Mendelian inheritance in man": Professor Victor McKusick, John Hopkins University USA 1990
510 Independent 26.2.91
520 "The truth about human genome research":letter Inde pendent 3.3.91
525 "Down on the pharm.Animal developers seeking bet ter beasts breed controversy":Scientific Ameri can;1990(Aug);263(2);p102-3
530 "The human as an experimental system in molecular gen etics":Science;1988 (Jun 10);240(4858);p1483-8
535 "Retrovirus vectors for mammalian engineer ing":Microbiol.Sci;1984(Nov);1(8);p210
540 "Identification in transgenic animals of the Drosophila sequences required for embryonic dorsal pattern forma tion":Genes Dev;1987 (Aug);1(6);p615-25
550 "The Frankenstein thing: the moral impact of genetic engineer ing of agricultural animals on society and future science":Basic Life Sci;1986(37);p285-97
560 "Transgenic live stock":J.Reprod.Fertil.Suppl;1987;34(1-4);p237-50
570 "'Artificial' chromosomes":Naturwissenschaffen;1987 (Feb);74(2);p78-85 (German)
Chapter 5
580 "Life forms protectable as subjects of US patents - microbes to animals":Applied Biochem.Biotechnol;1987 (Sep-Dec);16(6);p79-93
585 "Agrobacterium in plant disease, biological disease control and plant genetic engineering":Sci.Prog; 1990;74(293 pt1);p1-13
590 "Advanced in gene engineering of microorgan isms":Genetika;1987 (Oct);23(10);p1741-8 (Russian)
600 BBC2 television documentary April 1991
610 "Safety testing of novel food products created by biotechnology and genetic manipulation":Biotechnol. Genet.Eng.Rev;1987;5(5);p369-95
615 "Genetic engineering of plants for virus resis tance":Arch.Virol;1990;115(1-2);p1-21
620 "Increased insecticidal effect by a recombinant baculovirus carrying a synthetic hormone gene":Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun;1989 (Dec 29);165( 3);p1177-83
625 "Construction of genetically engineered baculovirus insecti cides":J.Gen.Virol;1990(Jun);71(pt7);p1535-44
630 "Genetic engineers aim for the apple of their eye": Indepen dent 16.1.91
640 "Genetic engineering of.....chicken growth hor mone":Mol.Biol(Mosk);1987 (Nove-DEc);21(6);p1620-4 (Russian)
648 "Vectors and genes for improvement of animal strains":J.Reprod.Fertil.Suppl;1990;(41);p39-49
650 "EC passes hormone for cows":Independent 27.3.91;p3
651 "Animal husbandry and biotechnology":Tijdschr Dierg eneeskd;1987 (Jan 1);112(1);p9-15 (Dutch)
660 "BST safety hurdle provides test case for biotechno logy":Independent 26.11.90
670 "New approaches to animal vaccines utilising genetic engineer ing":Crit.Rev.Microbiol;1988;15(3);p269-95
680 "Embryo sexing of farm animals":Dev.Biol (NY 1985); 1986;4;p195-216
690 "Characterisation of transgenic livestock produc tion":Domest.Anim.Endocrinol;1990 (Jan);7(1);p1-18
700 "Life forms protectable as subjects of US patents - microbes to animals":Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol;1987 (Sep-Dec);16(6);p79-93
710 "Gene transfer into mouse embryos":Devel.Biol (NY 1985):1986:4:p1-36
720 "Progress on gene transfer in farm ani mals":Vet.Immunol.Immunopathol;1987 (Dec);17(1-4);p 303-12
730 "Genetic transformation of animal germ cells by microinjection of the cloned genes into the pronuclei or into the early embryos":Ontogenez;1985 (Nov-Dec);16(6);p553-67 (Russian)
740 "The role of transgenic animals in the analysis of various biological aspects of normal and pathologi cal states":Exp.Cell.Res;1989 (Aug);183(2);p257-76
750 "Alteration of milk composition using molecular gen etics":Journal of Dairy Science;1989 (Oct);72(10 );p2826-33
760 "Future developments in the manipulation of growth in farm animals":Vet.Rec;1987(May 23);120(21);p495-9
765 "Animal production industry in the year 2000":J.Rep rod.Fertil.Suppl;1990;(41);p199-208
770 "Transgenic livestock":J.Reprod.Fertil. Suppl;1987; 34(1-4);p237-50
780 "Electroporation as a new technique for producing transgenic fish":Cell Differ Dev;1990 (Feb);29(2);p 123-8
790 "Production of transgenic rabbits by microinjection of a gene into fertilised rabbit oocytes":DTW;1987 (Sep);94(8);p476-8
800 "Cloning of sheep and cow embryos":Genome;1989;(31)2;p956-62
805 "New animal breeding techniques and their applica tion":J.Reprod.Fert.Suppl;1990;(41);p3-14
810 "Genetic engineering:modified yeasts fine for food":Nature;1990 (Mar 15);344(6263);p186
820 "Modified yeast fine for food":Nature;1990 (Mar 15);344(6263);p186
830 "Genetic engineeering of ethanol production in Esch erichia coli":Appl.Envirnomental Microbology;1987 (Oct);53(10);p2420-5
Chapter 6
840 "Human gene therapy: possibilities and limita tions":Experiention;1987 (Apr 15);43(4);p375-8
also "Genetics and the future of medicine" S o m a t . C e l l . M o l . G e n e t i c s ; 1 987 ( J u l ) ; 1 3 ( 4 ) ; p 485-9
845 "Recombinant DNA and Surgery":Ann.Surg;1990 (Aug);2 12(2);p178-86
"Surgeons will need to understand basic DNA research .... to keep up with the revolution in medical ther apies that these techniques will cause."
850 "Cancer test on foetus at 10 weeks":Independent 24.11.90
860 "Disfiguring gene found by scientists":Independent 19.2.91
870 "Family link to breast cancer":Independent 19.2.91
875 "Discovery of gene could aid mental handicap screen ing:Independent;1.6.91
880 "From bench to bedside - the impact of the transfer of new biology to clinical prac tice":Clin.Invest.Med;1988 (Aug);11(4);p315-20
890 "The good news - and the bad - about gene therapy pros pects":Science;1987 (Apr 3);236(4797);p29-30
900 "The shape of drugs to come":BMA News Review;1983
also "Gene technology and the drugs of tomorrow": Pharm.Weekly(Sci);1990 (Feb 23);12(1);p6-10
910 "Protein engineering and design":Philos.Trans.R.Soc.Lond(Biol);1989 (Aug 31); 342(1224);p447-60
920 Redesigning trypsin via genetic engineering":Journal of Cell Biochemistry;1987 (Mar);33(3);p199-211
930 "Genetically engineered drugs:toxicology with a differ ence":Prog.Clin.Biol.Res;1987;235(9);p161-7
940 "Human EGF produced by genetic engineer ing":Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun;1989 (Sep 15); 163( 2);p1100-6
950 "Implantation of fibroblasts transfected with human granulocyte colony stimulating factor DNA":Blood;19 89 (Sep);74(4);p1274-80
960 "Periplasmic secretion of human growth hormone by Escherichia coli":Biochem Soc.Trans;1989 (Apr);17(2 );p335-7
970 "Characterisation of crystals of genetically engin eered human manganese superoxide dismutase":Journal of Mol.Biol;1989 (Apr 20);206(4);p787-8
980 "Claims on tissue plasminogen activator":Nature;1989 (Jan 26);337(6205);p317-8
990 "Approaches to gene therapy in disorders of purine metab olism":Rheum.Dis.Clin.North Am;1988 (Aug);14(2 );p459-77
1000 "Monomeric Insulins obtained by protein engineering and their medical implications":Nature;1988 (June 16);333(6174);p679-8
1010 "Human H-chain ferritins - expression in E.coli":Fe bs - Lett;1988 (Jul 4);234(1);p61-4
1020 "Stabilising basic fibroblast growth factor using protein enigneering":Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun;1988 (Mar 15);151(2);p701-8
1030 "Human calmodulin expression in E.coli":Protein Eng;1988 (Oct);2(4);p307-11
1040 "Genetic engineering of Factor 8":Nature;1989 (Nov 9);342(6246);p207-8
1050 "E.coli in biotechnology":Wein.Med.Wochenschr;1986 (Apr 30);136(7-8);p158-62 (German)
1060 "Gene engineered somatogen":Antibiot.Med.Biotekhnol ;1986 (Nov);31(11);p841-5
1070 "Court blocks German biotech plant":Science;1989 (Nov 17);246(4932);p881
1080 BBC2 television documentary April 1991
1090 "Gene replacement and expresison of foreign DNA in mycobacteria":Journal of Bacteriology;1990 (Feb);17 2(2);p519-24
1100 Human cell models for genetic engineer ing":Mod.Prog.Technol;1989;(15)1-2;p83-100
1110 "Human adenosine deaminase from insect lar vae":Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA;1990 (Apr);87(7); p2760-4
1120 "Stimulation and inhibition of the growth of mice carrying the human growth hormone gene":Bink.Eksp.Biol.Med;1986 (Sep);102(9);p339-42 (Russian)
1130 "Gene genies":Brit.J.of Pharm.Pract;1990 (Aug);p267
1140 "Present status of recombinant clotting fac tors":Haemophilia Society Bulletin;1991(Feb);p6-7
1150 "Impact of genetic engineering on the commercial production of antibiotics by streptomyces and related bacteria":Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol;1987 (Sep-Dec);16(6);p169-90
1160 "Antibiotics: opportunities for genetic engin eers":Philos.Trans.R.Sco.Lond.(Biol);1989 (Aug 31); 324(1224);p549-62
1168 "Genetically engineered monoclonal anti bodies":Br.J.Rheumatol;1991;30 Supp 2;p36-9
1170 "Strategies for controlling cancer through gen etics":Cancer Res;1987 (Dec 15);47(24pt1);p6814-7
1180 "Genetically engineered antobody molecules: new tools for cancer therapy":Cancer Invest;1988;6(2);185-92
1182 "Use of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of cancer of the pancreas: towards new prog ress":Bull.Cancer 1990;(77)3;p283-8
1190 "Lifespan extension of basal cel nevus syndrome fibroblasts by transfection with mouse pro or v-myc genes":International Journal of Cancer;1987 (May 15);39(5);p649-55
1200 "Gene therapy may have future role in cancer treat ment":Journal of the American Medical Associ ation(JAMA);1987 (Jan 9);257(2);p150-1
1210 "Genetic swaps may halt cancer":Independent;18.2.91
1220 "Scientists identify a genetic link in can cers":Independent;23.3.90
1230 "Local administration of cells containing an inserted IL-Z gene and producing IL-Z inhibits of human tumours in nu/nu mice":Immunol.Lett;1988 (Dec );19(4);p279-82
1240 "Engineering moncolonal antibodies":Nature;1989 (Nov 2);342(6245);p99-100
1250 "Genetically engineered antibody molecules and their applica tion":Ann.NY.Acad.Science;1987;507(10); p187-98
1260 "Genetically engineered anti bodies":Hosp.Pract.Off;1989 (Oct);24(10);p65-9,77-4,77-80
1270 "Potential risks of tumour virus subgenomes in the production of biologicals":Dev.Biol.Stand;1987;68(2-3);p51-62
1280 "Risk of neoplastic transformation from cellular DNA: calcula tions using an oncogene mode":Dev.Biol,Stand;1987;68(2-3);p43-9
1290 "Antibody engineering":Philos.Trans.R.Soc.Lond (Biol);1989 (aug 31);3774(47);p537-46
1295 "Antibody engineering and perspectives in ther apy":Biochemie;1990(Sep);72(9);p639-51
1300 "Genetically engineered antibodies":Clinical Cehm;1 989 (Sep);35(9);p1849-53
1310 "Seeding of intravascular stents with genetically engineered endothelial cells":Circulation;1989 (Nov );80(5);p1347-53
1315 "Introduction of vascular smooth muscle cells expre ssing recombinant genes in vivo":Circulation;1991;83(2);p578-83
1320 "New tchnology of vaccine production":Nippon Rinsho ;1987 (Oct);45(10);p2333-41 (Japanese)
1325 "Genetic engineering applied to the development of vac cines":Philos.Trans.R.Soc.Lond (Biol):1989 (aug 31);324(1224);p461-76
1330 "The third generation vaccines":Padiatirc-Padol;198 6;21(2);p197-204
1340 Product name: Engerix B.Vaccine contains 20 micrograms of hepatitis B sufrace antigen protein, costing ?30 per course of three injections.Product sheet: Smith Kline and Trench Laboratories 9.1.91
1350 "Immunisation against infectious disease":Her Maj esties Stationery Office (HMSO), London 1990
1360 "Engineering bacterial toxins for the development of a new vaccine against whooping cough":Parmacol.Res;1989 (Nov-Dec);21 Suppl 2;p19-25
1363 "Recombination in vivo of pseudorabies vaccine strains to produce new virus strains";Vaccine;1990 (Jun);8(3);p286-8
1365 "Immunisation against malaria:present knowledge": Med.Trop(Mars);1990(Jan-Mar);50(1);p137-41
1367 "Gene replacement in parasitic proto zoa":Nature;1990(Nov 8);348(6297);p171-5
1368 "Construction of a bivalent oral vaccine for preven tion of typhoid fever and cholera diar rhoea":Sci.China;1990 (Jan);33(1);p44-9
1370 "The new way to put on genes":Independent April 1991
1380 "Somatic gene therapy for human disease: background and pros pects":Journal of Paediatrics;1987 (Feb);11 0(2);p167-74
1390 "Future developments in phenylketonuria":Enzyme;1987;38(1-4);p296-301
1400 "Prospects for correction of thalassemia by genetic engineer ing":Prog.Clin;Biol.Res;1989;309;p141-59
1410 "Majority of mice show long term expression of a human beta-globin gene after retrovirus transfer into hematopoietic stem cells":Mol.Cell.Biol;1989 (Apr);9(4);p1476-34
1420 "Psychiatry, molecular genetics and ethics: the new dis coveries and the new issues":Aust. NZ Journal of Psychia try;1989 (Mar);73(1);p67-72
1430 "Gene transfer into mouse embryos":Dev.Biol.(NY 1985);1986;4;p1-36
1440 "Gene transfer into primates and prospects for gene therapy in humans":Prog.Nucleic Acid Res.Mol.Biol;1 989;(36);p311-22
1450 "Progress towards human gene therapy":Science;1989 (Jun 16);244(4910);p1275-81
1460 "Aerosols may soon be used to treat cyctic fibro sis":Independent 21.11.90
Chapter 7
1470 "Search for an immune response that counts":New Scien tist;27.4.91
1480 "Putting candidate vaccines through their paces":New Scien tist;27.4.91
1490 "AIDS deaths blamed on immune therapy":New Scien tist;p38
? "AIDS vaccines: what chance of a fair trial?":New Scien tist;27.4.91;p33-35
1500 "Applying the PDR principle to AIDS":J.Theor;Biol;1988 (Feb 21);130(4);469-80
1505 "A putative approach for gene therapy against human immunodeficiency virus":Med. Hypotheses;1990 (Jun); 32(2);p81-4
1510 Several methods exist e.g. "Gene transfer into mam malian cells by electroporation":Tanpakushitsu Kaku san Koso;1987 (Jan);32(1);p10-21 (Japanese)
1520 "Implantation of genetically engineered fibroblasts into mice: implications for gene ther apy":Science;1987 (May 8);236(4802);p714-8
This approach is known technically as "Transkaryotic implanta tion".
1530 "Adult mammalian hepatocyte as target cell for retr oviral gene transfer - a model for gene ther apy":Somat.Cell.Mol.Genetics;1987 (Jul);13(4);p423-8
1540 "Retroviral....gene transfer in....primates follow ing...bone marrow transplantation": Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sc i;1987;511(8);p406-17
1550 "A genetically engineereed cell line that produces empty capsids of BA (human) parvovirus":Proc.Nation al Acad.Science USA'1989 (Oct);86(19);p7601-5
1560 "Gene transfer: a potential approach to gene therapy for sickle cell dis ease":Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci;1989;(565);p37-43
1565 "Secretion of virus-like gag particles of HIV-2 from recombi nant baculovirus-infected insect cells":Virology(US);1990 (Dec);179(2);p874-80
1570 "Gene transfer to primary normal and malignant human hemopoietic progenitors using recombinant retroviru ses":Blood;1987(Feb);69(2);p611-7
1580 "Gene transplant therapy in girl 'achieving success ';Indpendent;20.2.91
1590 "Gene Genies":B.Journal of Pharm.Pract;1990 (Aug);p 267
Chapter 8
1600 "Hazards of genetic engineering":Nature;1987 (Mar 26);326(6111);p326
also "Stop all further extensions of production using genetic technology":Sygeplejersken;1987 (Sep 2);87(36);p30-1
1600b The use of genetic engineering in veterinary medi cine with examples from epidemiology, diagnosis and drug produc tion":TierarzH Prax;1990 (Apr);18(2);p99-108
1610 "NATO recommendations for a scientific approach to safety assurance for environemntal introductions of genetically engineered organisms":Rom.Recomb.DNA Tech.Bull;1987(Dec);10(4);p115-22
also "Britain regulates organism release":Nature;1989(Oct 26);341(6244);p681
1620 "Can we guarantee the safety of genetically engin eered organ isms in the environ ment?";Crit.Rev.Biotechnol;1988;(8)1;p85-97
1625 "Agrobacterium in plant diseasem biological disease control and plant genetic engineering":Sci.Prog; 1990;74(293 pt 1);p1-13
1630 "Growth of geentically engineered pseudomonas aenig inosa and pseudomonas putida in soil and rhizosphere":Appl.Environ.Microbiol;1989(Dec); 55(1 2);p3243-6
1640 "Domesticated bacteria or Andromeda strains?":Bioessays;1987(Aug);7(2);p87
1650 "Model to predict aerial dispersal of bacteria duri gn environ mental release":Appl.Environ. Microbiol; 1989(Oct);55(10);p2641-7
1656 "Survival of bacteria during aerosolisation":Appl. Environ Microbiol;1990;56(11);p3463-7
1658 "Effect of aerosolisation on subsequent bacterial survivial":Appl.Environ.Microbiol;1990 (Nov);56(11) ;p3468-72
1660 "Transport of a genetically engineered pseudomonas fluorosens strain through a soil micro cosm":Appl.Environ.Microbiol;1990(Feb);56(2); p401-8
1665 "Small scale field testing of the genetically engin eered LacZY marker":Regul.Toxicol.Parmacol;1990 (Jun);11(3);p253-61
1670 "Can we guarantee safety of genetically engineered organisms in the environ ment?":Crit.Rev.Biotechnol;1988;(8)1;p85-97
1672 "Microcosm for assessing survival of genetically engineered micro-organisms in aquatic environ ments":App.Environ.Microbiol;1990 (Apr);56(4);p977-83
1680 "Unauthorised release upsets EPA":Nature;1987(Aug); 328(6132)p659
also "West German release of altered bacteria causes furor":Naure;1987(Aug);328(6131);p568
1690 "Evolutionary principles and the regulation of engi
neereed bacteria":Genome;1989;31(2);p864-9
1700 "Alteration of the Meno virus through genetic engineer ing":Nature;1990(Feb 1);343(6257);p474-6.Work being applied to development of a vaccine for foot and mouth disease.
1710 Independent magazine;20.4.91;p30
1720 "Problems of safety in biotechnology.Products of genetic engineering and regulation of work with them":Mil.Gen.Mikrobiol.Virusol;1987(Sep);52(9);p3-10 (Rus sian)
1725 "Biosafety considerations in industries with production methods based on the use of recombinant DNA":Scand.J.Work.Environ.Health;1990;(16)2;p85-95
1730 "Production methods and safety evaluation of cytokines":Devel.Biol.Stand;1988;(69);p193-7
1740 "Electroporation as a new technique for producing transgenic fish (rainbow trout)":Cell Differ.Dev;1990(Feb);29(2);p123-8
1750 "Sex preselection":British Journal of Hospital Medi cine;1987(Feb);37(2);p149,151-2,154-5
also "Clinical relevance of sex selection tech niques":Fertil.Steril;1989(Dec);52(6);p891-905
1760 "Sex preselection in humans by enrichment of X or Y chromosome bearing spermatozoa":Andrologia;1987(Mar-Apr);19(2);p157-60
1770 "Sex preselection in New York city: who chooses which sex and why?":Int.J.Fertil;1989(Sep-Oct);34(5);p353
1780 "Transgenic livestock":J.Reprod.Fertil.Suppl; 1987;34(1-4);p237-50
1790 "Biosynthetic hormone and the opinions of paediatricians":Arch.Fr.Paediatr;1986(Oct);43(8); p617-20
Chapter 9
1800 "Current trends in biomedical ethics in the USA":Bol.of Sant.Panam;1990(May-Jun);108(5-6);p550-5
1810 "The role of human genetics in society: implications for legal involvement":Med.Law (Germany);1990;9(3);p930-8
1820 "Ethical issues in human genome research":FASEBJ;1991;5(1);p55-60
1830 "Potential hazards of biotechnology: the viewpoint from the United Kingdom":Biotechnol.App.Biochem; 1988(Dec);10(6);p483-7
1840 "Britain's genetic manipulation regulations to be extended":Nature;1987 (Oct 1-7);329(6138);p379
also "New advisory board approved":Nature;1989(Oct 26);341(6244);p681
1850 "Ethical issues in human genetic technol ogy":Paediatrician;1990;17(2);p100-7
1860 In the US for example:"Genetic engineering guidelines (upgraded)":Microbiol.Sci;1984;1(5); p131-2 h
1870 "Recombination in vivo of pseudorabies vaccine straings to produce new virus strains":Vaccine;1990(Jun);8(3);p286-8
1880 "Prenatal screening: when and for whom?":J.Gen.Intern.Med(US);1990(Sep-Oct);5;p542-6
1890 "Ethics and medical genetics in the United States: a national survey":Am.J.Med.Genet;1988(Apr);29(A);p815-27
Survey contains many other interesting results re. ethical attitudes.
1900 "Primary prevention of colorectal cancer - WHO collaborating centre":Bulletin of WHO;1990;(68)3;p377-85
1910 "New Danish law: human life begins at conception":J. Med.Ethics;1988(Jun);14(2);p77-8
1920 "New reproductive technologies in the treatment of human infertility and genetic dis ease":Theor.Med;1990(Jun);11(2);p103-10
1930 "Limits to genetic intervention in humans:somatic and germ line":CIBA Found.Symp;1990;(149);p81-6, 87-9
1940 "Genetic engineering: new law is overdue":Nature;1989(Nov 16);342(6247);p218
also "Genetic engineering; new law needs changes made":Nature;1990(Jan 25);343(6256);p298
"Recombinant DNA regulation.India opts for self con trol":Nature;1990(Feb 22);343(8260);p680
"West German commission reports on genetic engineer ing":Nature;1987(Feb 5-11);325(6104);p474
1950 "When is cloning lawful?":J.In Vitro Fert.Embryo Transf;1987(Aug);4(A);p198-204
4946 "The technique of polymerase chain reaction - a new diagnostic tool in microbiology and other scientific fields":Int.J.Med.Microbiol;1990(Sep);273(4);p431-54
Early experiments
I am slightly less uneasy about experiments on fertilised eggs or on small balls of cells up to the first week or so of life.Part of this is the need to be consistent.If we are really going to take the moment of conception as our starting point for the protection of human life, then we should do away with the coil as a method of contraception for a start since it's only method of working is to create such an inflamma tion of the inside of the uterus that the fertilised egg has not a hope of implant ing there some five to seven days after conception. In the strict sense a coil produces a possible abortion every month.
I do not believe it is right to deliberately fertilise human eggs for the purpose of experiments.Nor do I think it is ethical to fertilise more eggs than can properly be implanted into the mother's womb.It is the latter practice which has produced thousands of surplus embryos each year - embryos which can either be washed down the sink or grown for a while in the test-tube. These are all very difficult questions to which there are fewer straight forward answers than you might think.
Humanised germs
I cannot see any ethical objection to using a bit of human genetic code to tell a bacterium what you want it to do.Nor can I see any real difficulty in enhancing the genetic code of plants or animals.It would seem to be a logical outworking of the ancient command given to man by God, recorded in Genesis to be fruitful and subdue the earth. God has given it to us to enjoy and be custodians of.Why shouldn't we make bacteria and viruses work for us - after all they cause us enough problems and misery with the diseases they so often cause us?
However I would draw the line at attempts to give another mammal sig nificant parts of the human genetic code.The bible teaches us that when God made us, he made us in his own image.We are not the same as monkeys or baboons and efforts to blur the distinctions genetically I feel are wrong.
Writing good law
Having seen where regulations are needed for safety, or where they nay be desirable ethically we still face a big problem: laws need to be introduced and enforced globally to be effective. The problems in agreeing about what needs to be regulated are huge enough. However the greatesr difficulty of all is finding somegood definitions that will close certain avenues effectively while leaving others open (1940).
A recent example of chaos was what happened in Australia following adoption of the Infertility (Medical Procedures) Act in 1987.This outlawed "cloning".This was meant to prevent human cloning experiments like those we looked at in chapter three of this book.However, it also effectively banned the cloning of individual human cells - nothing short of disastrous.Monoclonal antibodies were in danger of becoming illegal for a start.Calls have therefore been made to amend the Act (1950).
In conclusion then, genetic engineering has the power to change every aspect of our lives, and even the nature of human life itself. It promises us spectacular benefits and brings awesome new problems. It is here already and advances every day. Genetic engineering needs urgent public debate with international regulation, so that the quality of life on earth cn be improved, without threatening human existence.
The Genetic Revolution - free book by Patrick Dixon - published 1995
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