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Truth about Clonaid claims: first human clone - Eve - plus four more? Futurist keynote speaker on biotech innovation and pharma

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos - What is Human Cloning? How to Clone. But Ethical?

Clonaid announced birth of "first human clone" on December 26th 2002. Eve was born by caesarean section after being created by Clonaid using a technique similar to that used to clone Dolly the sheep. Clonaid said they had four other mothers expecting to give birth to clones soon and announced a second birth to a Dutch lesbian woman early in January 2003 and a third to a Japanese couple who "cloned their dead son killed in an accident", plus two others in late January. All five babies were said to be well but with no independent verification whatsoever, doubts increased by the day.

After promising immediate genetic testing on Eve and others by independent scientists, Clonaid then claimed that lawsuits launched in the US and the Netherlands were making testing impossible because the courts were likely to try and identify the children and take them into care. This increased scepticism around the world that Clonaid was involved in a major fraud, with the aim of getting more couples to part with large sums of money. In early February they promised testing of the Japanese baby was under way. By early March there was still silence. Sadly another explanation could be that apparently healthy cloned babies have rapidly developed major heath problems (as often happens in animals), or even died.

However one thing is clear: it could only be a matter of time before some team or other can prove that they have won the global human cloning race.

Clonaid claims they carried out 3,000 trials using cow eggs and human cells to form dividing embryos which were then destroyed - in a similar process to that conducted by Jose Cibelli at Advanced Cell Technology Massachusetts some years ago. Clonaid also say they fused over two hundred human eggs with adult cells in order to get just 10 which appeared normal, of which 5 implanted successfully. The worrying thing about such a claim is the mystery of the missing "monster" babies: the ones so malformed that they were destroyed in the womb, aborted or which died after premature births. These are the kinds of things we see in animal cloning and there is a disturbing silence from Clonaid.

There are also worries that any child created may age prematurely and die young as Dolly the sheep did.

While many may doubt Clonaid's capabilities, other human cloning organisations are reporting spectacular progress. For example Lu Guangxiu's team in Changsha China announced in January 2003 that they had also successfully grown 80 human clones, four of them to balls of hundreds of cells, the stage when IVF embryos are usually implanted.

Old report: A secret human cloning laboratory run by Clonaid is said to be based in the Nevada desert, with the first human cloned baby expected to be born in 2001.  The plan is that the human cloning experiment will produce a replacement copy of a 10 month old girl who died last year.

Clonaid says five British couples, including two pairs of homosexual men have asked to be cloned.  Peter and Ildako Blackburn, computer consultants from Huntingdon Cambrisdgeshire UK have expressed an interest in human cloning as an alternative infertility treatment but will not say if they are in touch with Clonaid.  (Source Sunday Times 5 November 2000)

Clonaid is registered in the Bahamas and was founded by the Raelian movement who claim more than 50,000 members in 85 countries.  Brigitte Boiselier is a 44 year old French biochemist who often speaks for Clonaid as scientific director. (Some spell her name incorrectly as Boisellier) She says that Clonaid will shift from animal cloning to human cloning experiments in January 2001, hoping for the first human cloning pregnancies by February.

More than 50 surrogate mothers have been selected to carry the human cloned foetuses throughout pregnancy, including Brigitte Boisellier's own 22 year old daughter, Marina Cocolios.

Raelians believe that humans are all cloned from alien scientists who visited earth.  The movement was started by Claude Vorilhorn, following a spiritual experience in 1973.  He changed his name to Rael and founded the cult.

America has no laws preventing human cloning research, unlike the UK, although no public funding is available.

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Thanks for promoting with Facebook LIKE or Tweet. Really interested to read your views. Post below.

July 20, 2015 - 03:43

look i agree with kenzy... Cloning is just sciencetists trying to play God. Unethical. Who would want to look around and see everyone around them that look exactly the same? To feel like they're not unique. Flat out, cloning is WRONG.

July 10, 2015 - 03:25

My interest in the potential of cloning stems from other needs. the primary of which is the preservation of the human genome and the ability to make use of it through cloning methods. Once a viable repeatable processes can be made of at least 10k unique genetic copies, it would be possible to realistically recover from an extinction level event. More unique copies would only further improve the probability of success and would benefit other creatures, not just our own.

There are major drawbacks however to the over production of cloning in that it could lead to genetic sterilization in the human population as a whole if too many of the same genetic pattern were allowed to "mingle" with the general population... the process would be gradual, but by time it were apparent, it would be irreversible and humanity would end regardless of ability to progress beyond this point.

That being said, Cloning is necessary to also stave off such an event as preserving our existing genome at this time, along with other snap shots made progressively in the future, could greatly benefit diversity a thousand years from now when whole human populations that travel that stars face genetic stagnation due to being too far from the source of our species and the melting pot of our genetic code.

I do have some ideas on how to continue forward with cloning and i posses a wide understanding of various disciplines that could benefit such a debate. i hope some like-minded people would consider a discussion with me on this subject. I respect the view points of people that hold reservations to cloning. However, the benefits and cited realistic needs inherent in the progressive development of of the process far outweighs any naysayers opinions in my view. Obviously the current methods employed need improvement, but simply pretending your opinion matters when you cant challenge reason, with any logical counterclaim outside of hypocrisy or conspiracy does leave much to be desired. I challenge any one with a proper mindset to lend your words to this vital line of debate...

Reply to Cora
December 19, 2021 - 02:57

That sounds nice sir, but really we need to use big brains like yours to fix the nonsense mess that's been made here & of humans. With the assistance of nature that's perfectly possible. That'll reverse so much damage done.. If we don't, and just keep disrespecting and dishonored God's existing creations, it doesn't matter anything else.. And if we tap into our spiritual potential after embracing our humanity, it's likely we are able to control and handle way more than anyone would think.

July 10, 2015 - 03:25

My interest in the potential of cloning stems from other needs. the primary of which is the preservation of the human genome and the ability to make use of it through cloning methods. Once a viable repeatable processes can be made of at least 10k unique genetic copies, it would be possible to realistically recover from an extinction level event. More unique copies would only further improve the probability of success and would benefit other creatures, not just our own.

There are major drawbacks however to the over production of cloning in that it could lead to genetic sterilization in the human population as a whole if too many of the same genetic pattern were allowed to "mingle" with the general population... the process would be gradual, but by time it were apparent, it would be irreversible and humanity would end regardless of ability to progress beyond this point.

That being said, Cloning is necessary to also stave off such an event as preserving our existing genome at this time, along with other snap shots made progressively in the future, could greatly benefit diversity a thousand years from now when whole human populations that travel that stars face genetic stagnation due to being too far from the source of our species and the melting pot of our genetic code.

I do have some ideas on how to continue forward with cloning and i posses a wide understanding of various disciplines that could benefit such a debate. i hope some like-minded people would consider a discussion with me on this subject. I respect the view points of people that hold reservations to cloning. However, the benefits and cited realistic needs inherent in the progressive development of of the process far outweighs any naysayers opinions in my view. Obviously the current methods employed need improvement, but simply pretending your opinion matters when you cant challenge reason, with any logical counterclaim outside of hypocrisy or conspiracy does leave much to be desired. I challenge any one with a proper mindset to lend your words to this vital line of debate...

July 10, 2015 - 03:07

I have high expectations for human cloning. I do hold reservations which come with regard to the numbers of failures *deaths* that occur during our current understanding and practice of the cloning process at this time in which hundreds of reported children have died only to create 1 viable child that still has a high probability of death at a later time do to complications. the loss of life weighs on me greatly, and i eagerly await some alternative that can be channeled to insure a higher success rate.

The interest i have in cloning has to do with benefits outside of moronic personal needs like that of replacing a child that was lost. my sympathy to the parents that lost their child but cloning isnt meant to rectify this. The clone of the deceased child is a unique and separate person to the previous. fostering in them the idea that they are only a clone of the former will lead to deep seated flaws in personal well being. Also only the appearance of the former remains and replacing the first only stands to dishonor the memory of the former if you are of the sort to care about such things.

LaThisa Soders
August 01, 2013 - 16:42

John Porter There are different type of cloning. petra is right if the scientist use Molecular cloning then it would create the exact same person(same finger prints and everything). It was a couple in las vagas that were paying scientist to create their dead daughter, it did not succeed because cloning technology is in its early stage.

January 17, 2012 - 20:48

The problem with cloning is an old one. Humans as such are unbalanced. The material world or the world of 3 dimensions is just a creation of higher dimensions. It is a flaw when the focus is on the material before the spiritual. Spiritual meaning highter dimensions. Great civilizations of old had this knowledge. Yet they could not save themselves. The focus should be on our spiritual growth and improvement as life forms vs the material life forms that pass on when the spiritual force leaves the body and the life cord is severed. Cloning is possible, but why try it when we are so ignorant of why we are as hateful, murderous and confused as we as life forms have proven to be?

January 12, 2012 - 23:04

First of I don't know but most of you people problem is, 1 out of 3 women gets a abortion before the age of 45 and this excludes those who do it at home via another method, most women are on birth control and men wear condoms so please explain to me where are your ethics NOW??? Killing unborn children, preventing live that could have been.. Where is your "morale value"? But God forbid if you should create live! This is a world were its wrong to discriminate against others due to what they perceive as correct: Homosexuality, Religion... The point is if you don't like the idea of cloning keep it to yourself. What 2 gay men do in their bed I see it as morale wrong but it doesn't effect me so I don't care. So take it as a life lesson if it doesn't affect you leave it be. PS. John excellent comment, Mone I think your comment is a bit on the retarded side "gills" really haha I mean its hard enough to clone a person now your talking about biologically engineering hybrid humans lmao, oh and there is no need for cloning someone for organs that is just sick! That is why there is stemcell research.

September 24, 2011 - 19:07

This cloning thing is seriously pointless and should not be allowed. John, you speak from a rational point of view but, seem tilted towards favoring the whole cloning act which should not be. likeness or not, fingerprint match or not, authenticity behind the amount of rights allocated children and clones should not be the issue here. cloning is damn straight wrong and should not be encouraged even in the slightest manner possible.

March 30, 2011 - 19:20
messed up

first of all this seems amazing that we are able to grasp the power of cloning. espicially how russia, china, and japan are working on bring extinct animals back to life. the thing is though that this is messed up, as cliche as this may be watch a movie, damn. i mean it sounds senseless but what always happens. robots or clones they take over, and the point brought up about the fingerprints, you would not be able to tell a difference between clone and human, which would lead to utter chaos. I believe in scince and i believe in faith, i think we should explore the ideas of clonging animals and bringing the extinct (not dead humans) back to life. There could be an uprising. The clone could have higer intellects than us, they could do things we have not imagined. and playing devils advocate they could be everything we need. they could help the us fight china who out number us 100-1(exaggerated) We could use clones as a workforce, slaves. And again one of our enemies could use the clones to create a army they we could not amount to. With genetic engineering they could rewrite in the gene code to recreate the body. we could have gills, not breathe oxygen. There are way to many variables to be playing around with human cloning. Now thereuputic (however you spell it) cloning should be done. my little sister has type one diabetes, if they were to clone body parts by the mass and perfect them to were there were no flaws then she could have a new pancreas, that would be a miracle to the world. Humans without aids, no alzheimers, and many other diseases and disorders.
Sorry for the grammar and spelling problems

February 20, 2011 - 10:21

we shouldnt clone coz of probable rise of mutations

February 20, 2011 - 10:21

we shouldnt clone coz of probable rise of mutations

January 07, 2011 - 03:21

look i agree with kenzy... Cloning is just sciencetists trying to play God. Unethical. Who would want to look around and see everyone around them that look exactly the same? To feel like they're not unique. Flat out, cloning is WRONG.

Reply to nezi
May 19, 2011 - 15:11

I agree with u.Cloning is wrong things.And whats will be their future when will they be know that they are clone.......not created by God........

Reply to nezi
June 17, 2011 - 16:42
"Playing God"

People "play God" every day. Medical intervention in any way, shape, or form is no different. Vaccinations to prevent diseases, aspirin for pain relief, C-section births, Triple bypass surgeries, dialysis, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...............

December 07, 2010 - 02:39
Clonaid Hoax

This is run by those in the Clonaid cult. Liars!

December 07, 2010 - 02:37
First human clone?

This isn't true, for if it were it would have made headlines. By now, those scientists would have moved on towards genetically engineering new clones. Still I haven't found concrete proof that this is credible.

Petra Arkanian
December 06, 2010 - 19:11
navneethere, you ahve a twisted mind

They already proved their frigging point, why continue? It will only mean that the scientists will get their way, and - lets face it - they are evil twisted people who will probably go to hell. THEY ARE KILLING PEOPLE! You idiot! Infanticide is illegal - for that's what it is - like it should be! ONCE THEY ARE ALIVE, and then they DIE, it's MURDER. No nicer way to say it. I only hope that nobody tries to sugar-coat this whole affair, because it's POINTLESS.

Petra Arkanian
December 06, 2010 - 19:04
I agree

Kenzy is right. Not only is it hazardous, but what if the clone lives to be twenty? To live for long enough so that you get a taste of life, and then have it ripped away by people who KNEW that this could happen - It's criminal! And anyway, they are sure that clones can't reproduce. HOW is that fair? I say, if they want to clone humans, they'd better make THEMSELVES the clone, and the tell us what it was like.

Also, clones won't have human rights. They'll obviously have the same fingerprints as the person they were cloned from, a fact that the scientists can't POSSIBLY have overlooked.

Children already have few enough rights without this Cloning Masquerade.

THERE IS NO WAY that this is going to pass. I will stop them if i have to storm their god-forsaken labs!

Reply to Petra Arkanian
John Porter
December 13, 2010 - 04:04
Re: I agree

Where are you getting this information? They haven't verified to this day that they actually cloned a human being, so we can't possibly know how long the clone would live and whether or not it could reproduce.

Also, what makes you assume clones won't have human rights? A clone would not be a machine or an animal, it would be genetically identical to the person it was cloned from. Just like twins are genetically identical. A clone would be a human being and denying it rights would only occur if society allows it to.

You fingerprint argument is also fallacious, fingerprints are formed by uterine environment. This is why twins, which share the same DNA, have different sets of fingerprints.

Yet again you are wrong, you claim that children have few rights, which may hold true in other nations but in the United States couldn't be further from the truth. Children share several of the rights as adults. A cloning child would also have those rights, unless society allows it to be denied rights.

There is no credibility behind ClonAid's claims, but once a human is actually cloned, you can expect a bombardment of harassment on the scientist who "wins the race".

November 10, 2010 - 18:59
not cool

look we shouldnt clone its not safe for both mother and child
u wnt a clone make a friggin robot

November 10, 2010 - 18:57
not cool

look we shouldnt clone its not safe for both mother and child

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