How AI will change your life - a Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon is a Global Keynote Speaker on AI, Author of 18 BOOKS, Europe's Leading Futurist with 25 year track record advising large multinationals - CALL NOW +44 7768 511390

How AI Will Change Your Life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon signs books and talks about key messages - future of AI, how AI will change us all, how to respond to AI in business, personal life, government. CALL +44 7768 511390

Future of Sales and Marketing in 2030: physical audience of 800 + 300 virtual at hybrid event. Digital marketing / AI, location marketing. How to create MAGIC in new marketing campaigns. Future of Marketing Keynote Speaker

TRUST is the most important thing you sell. Even more TRUE for every business because of AI. How to BUILD TRUST, win market share, retain contracts, gain customers. Future logistics and supply chain management. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Future of Artificial intelligence - discussion on AI opportunities and Artificial Intelligence threats. From AI predictions to Artificial Intelligence control of our world. What is the risk of AI destroying our world? Truth about Artificial Intelligence

How to make virtual keynotes more real and engaging - how I appeared as an "avatar" on stage when I broke my ankle and could not fly to give opening keynote on innovation in aviation for. ZAL event in Hamburg

"I'm doing a new book" - 60 seconds to make you smile. Most people care about making a difference, achieving great things, in a great team but are not interested in growth targets. Over 270,000 views of full leadership keynote for over 4000 executives

Futurist Keynote Speakers - how Futurist Keynotes transform events, change thinking, enlarge vision, sharpen strategic thinking, identify opportunities and risks. Patrick Dixon is one of the world's best known Futurist Keynote Speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Colonies on Mars, space travel and how digital / Artificial Intelligence / AI will help us live decades longer - comment before Futurist keynote for 1400 at Avnet Silica event. Futurist Keynote Speaker on AI

Future of Travel and Tourism post COVID. Boom for live experiences beyond AI. What hunger for "experience" means for future aviation, airlines, hotels, restaurants, concerts halls, trends in leisure events, theme parks. Travel Industry Keynote Speaker

Quiet Quitters: 50% US workforce wish they were working elsewhere. How engage Quiet Quitters and transform to highly engaged team members. Why AI / Artificial Intelligence is not answer. How to tackle the Great Resignation. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

The Great Resignation. 50% of US workers are Quiet Quitters. They have left in their hearts, don't believe any longer in your strategy. 40% want to leave in 12 months. Connect with PURPOSE to win Quiet Quitters. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

Future of Human Resources. Virtual working, motivating hybrid teams, management, future of motivation and career development. How to develop high performance teams. HR Keynote Speaker

Speed of change often slower than people expect! I have successfully forecast major trends for global companies for over 25 years. Focus on factors driving long term changes, with agile strategies for inevitable disruptive events. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Agile leadership for Better Risk Management. Inflation spike in 2022-3 - what next? Expect more disruptive events, while megatrends will continue relentlessly to shape longer term future globally in relatively predictable ways. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Crazy customers! Changing customer expectations. Why many decisions are irrational. Amusing stories. Lessons for Leadership, Management and Marketing - Futurist Keynote Speaker VIDEO

Chances of 2 people in 70 having same birthday? Managing Risk in Banking and Financial Services. Why the greatest risks are combinations of very unlikely events, which happen far more often than you expect. Keynote speaker on risk management

Compliance is Dead. How to build trust. Reputation of banks and financial services. Compliance Risks. Why 100% compliance with regulations, ESG requirements etc is often not enough to prevent reputational damage

Life's too short to do things you don't believe in! Why passionate belief in the true value of what you are selling or doing is the number one key to success. Secret of all leadership and marketing - keynote for 1100 people in Vilnius October 2021

Future Manufacturing 5.0. Lessons from personal life for all manufacturers - why most manufacturing lags 10-15 years behind client expectations in their day to day life. Manufacturing 4.0 --> Manufacturing 5.0. Future of Manufacturing Keynote

80% of sales are won or lost in 3 seconds, How to grow your business by giving attention to small things that really matter. Future of Marketing, Futuris Keynote Speaker - Pardavimu formule in Vilnius

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

3 seconds is all it takes to convert a happy customer to a frustrated one. 3 seconds delay is enough for someone to abandon a purchase online. 20 seconds is enough to lose a major customer who is waiting for your call centre to pick up. Every second matters - for every person who wants to buy from you.

And it's the same for your internal teams. Our world has become very impatient, and will be even more so in future. Here are simple things we can do to speed up response. Secrets of effective online sales and marketing. Future of marketing keynote speaker at event for over 800 people in Vilnius, organised by Pardavimu formule, Confinn, Lithuania. And remember, small things create magic and often cost nothing or less than you think.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on e-commerce, marketing and customer relationships.

Read more: 80% of sales are won or lost in 3 seconds, How to grow your business by giving attention to small things that really matter. Future of Marketing, Futuris Keynote Speaker - Pardavimu formule in Vilnius


Trust is the Most Important Thing You Sell. Managing your Reputational Risk - vital lessons for all leaders. How to build trust with key customers and markets. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Trust is the most important thing you sell - if you are a bank, insurance company, health company, holiday company, retailer, construction company or health provider. That's why reputational risk is such a major issue. Trust takes decades to build and can be lost in a moment. 

Those in companies promoting products need to be really careful that they act with complete integrity in every claim they make, and treat customers as the would expect to be treated themselves. And when things go wrong, the best way to manage reputational risk is to disclose early, apologise rapidly, take big steps to prevent it happening again, and be generous in dealings with those who have been adversely affected.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on leadership, management, marketing and building trust with customers.

Read more: Trust is the Most Important Thing You Sell. Managing your Reputational Risk - vital lessons for all leaders. How to build trust with key customers and markets. Futurist Keynote Speaker


Funny stories about simple mistakes many companies make. Small things make MAGIC and often cost NOTHING to deliver well. Marketing Keynote for Confinn

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Making Magic for customers often cost nothing. Here's a few funny disasters - easily avoided!

Future of Marketing Keynote - for Confinn, Pardavimu formule.

Event for over 1000 in Vilnius last week by Futurist keynote speaker Patrick Dixon.


Read more: Funny stories about simple mistakes many companies make. Small things make MAGIC and often cost NOTHING to deliver well. Marketing Keynote for Confinn


Why you HAVE to MEET to close deals. Want to make change happen and innovate? Get your teams into the office. Sales beyond COVID. Marketing keynote speaker - 1100 people

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Why breathing same air is mission-critical to growing your business.

Why it is impossible to land big deals with people you have never met, and why virtual working cannot deliver major contracts.

Face to face meetings with team members also really matter. Even Apple discovered that while they could manage just fine, working virtually - they were unable to THINK, INNOVATE or CHANGE.

But if you can't think, innovate or change, it's the end of your business.   Sales and Marketing keynote speaker - Patrick Dixon

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on leadership, management, marketing and building trust with customers.

Read more: Why you HAVE to MEET to close deals. Want to make change happen and innovate? Get your teams into the office. Sales beyond COVID. Marketing keynote speaker - 1100 people


Join me: Accenture SustainABILITY event, Lisbon, Portugal. Keynote on Sustainability and Technology. Futurist keynote speaker

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

3rd November 2021, Lisbon Portugal.

Issues to be covered in the keynote: sustainability, transformation of business using digital technology. How technology will help find solutions to the climate emergency.

Patrick Dixon is a Futurist Keynote Speaker.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on leadership, management, marketing, sustaiability and building trust with customers.

Read more: Join me: Accenture SustainABILITY event, Lisbon, Portugal. Keynote on Sustainability and Technology. Futurist keynote speaker


Why this is boom-time for physical corporate events in some nations following COVID vaccinations - future of conferencing, keynote speakers. Get ready for hyper-agile pop-up events at short notice. Companies have to meet to survive. CALL NOW +447768511390

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

London is booming, as are other capital cities in some other nations - hotels are reporting their busiest bookings for corporate events, company conferences, workshops, seminars and client meetings since before COVID lockdown began in March 2020.  (Written on 15th September 2021 - after giving a keynote at a physical client event).

Expect large numbers of last-minute events to be organised, taking advantage of what may become narrow windows of opportunity.

Companies are realising that while many managed fine during lockdown, using virtual tools, they have been unable to innovate, think, change.

Most importantly of all it is almost impossible to land major contracts with people you have never met. Trust is everything.

You can SURVIVE virtually but to THIRVE you have to MEET.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on leadership, management and motivation.

Read more: Why this is boom-time for physical corporate events in some nations following COVID vaccinations - future of conferencing, keynote speakers. Get ready for hyper-agile pop-up events at short notice. Companies have to meet to survive. CALL NOW +447768511390


Huge Tomatoes from Exhaust Gas in Power Generation, and re-use of heat. Greentech Innovation, CO2 emissions reduction, energy and food industry - climate emergency keynote speaker - VIDEO

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Energy saving using heat recovery, carbon recycling and capture in plants, new street lamps, better heating and cooling, building controls. Example of green technology innovation in British Sugar, using carbon dioxide exhaust gas from a gas turbine to grow tomatoes. Part of keynote on the $40 trillion green tech revolution which could transform the future of our planet, with innovations that will provide answers to global warming if rolled out on...

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including sustainability and green tech innovation.

Read more: Huge Tomatoes from Exhaust Gas in Power Generation, and re-use of heat. Greentech Innovation, CO2 emissions reduction, energy and food industry - climate emergency keynote speaker - VIDEO


For YEARS I warned about new pandemic risks. Life beyond COVID / Omicron - health care innovation, vaccines, future of pharma research and drug development. Future of Health care Keynote Speaker and Physician who warned for years about new pandemic risks

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Truth about COVID - why pharma innovation is too slow. How to accelerate global responses to new viral pandemics like COVID-19 and variants like Omicron. Truth about COVID-19 vaccines, lack of effective antiviral therapies. Statistics on global pandemic and government responses. Risks of future viral pandemics and potential impact on health care. Dr Patrick Dixon is a Futurist, physician and keynote speaker - Virtual keynote for Five&Co Ltd client event - Pharma executives.

Read more: For YEARS I warned about new pandemic risks. Life beyond COVID / Omicron - health care innovation, vaccines, future of pharma research and drug development. Future of Health care Keynote Speaker and Physician who warned for years about new pandemic risks


Life Beyond COVID. Virtual Event Futurist Keynote Speaker.High audience engagement on COVID. Patrick Dixon is one of the world's leading keynote speakers on health care

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Virtual keynote by Futurist / Physician Dr Patrick Dixon. Impact of COVID-19 on longer term trends, government policy and debt, economic growth, life-expectancy forecasts, medical research and investment strategies. Since 85% of humanity lives in emerging markets, mostly in nations with limited health infrastructure, the likely speed of Coronavirus transmission in such countries is critically important to understand. How COVID-19 will accelerate many existing mega trends, boosting profits for a wide range of businesses, while destroying others. Which countries and industry sectors are likely to recover first from Coronavirus pandemic and why. Longer term impact of Coronavirus on consumer behaviour and wider society. Surviving the Coronavirus Chaos - longer term impact of COVID-19. Despite the overwhelming health care crisis in many nations caused by Coronavirus, many global trends will change less than many expect. The Coronavirus pandemic will divide the world into three groups. 1. Emerging markets (high population growth, young demographics, very limited health care, rapid growth and resolution of pandemic). 2. Developed nations (low population growth, ageing populations, highly developed health care, intermittent health crises with extended lock-downs and disruptions). 3. Hybrid nations eg China (emerging market, ageing population, intermittent lock-downs and disruptions). How will this divergency impact multinationals, global trade and longer term economic growth?

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world.

Read more: Life Beyond COVID. Virtual Event Futurist Keynote Speaker.High audience engagement on COVID. Patrick Dixon is one of the world's leading keynote speakers on health care


Q+A on COVID and variants such as Omicron: global impact - with Futurist physician advisor to corporations and government. Future of health care keynote speaker - health care trends

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Many questions on COVID-19.

Ranging from symptoms of coronavirus illness; impact on economy, jobs, health service, business, personal lives and wider society.

Dr Patrick Dixon is a physician and Futurist, author of 17 books, several of which predicted new pandemics such as COVID-19.

Read more: Q+A on COVID and variants such as Omicron: global impact - with Futurist physician advisor to corporations and government. Future of health care keynote speaker - health care trends


Why many don't trust government info about health scares, and why most people distrust marketing messages - truth about social media. Health care trends. Marketing keynote speaker

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Travel industry crisis of trust - when most customers don't believe marketing hype and spin. How to win trust in an age dominated by social media. How to handle adverse feedback / poor ratings on social media. Lessons for retail sector. Lessons for advertising and marketing campaigns. How to win new clients, improve customer engagement. Information and revelation rather than marketing statistics and brochures. Hospitality, hotels, leisure travel, business travel, aviation and airline trends. Patrick Dixon is a Futurist conference speaker - extract from keynote for Boehringer Ingleheim.

Read more: Why many don't trust government info about health scares, and why most people distrust marketing messages - truth about social media. Health care trends. Marketing keynote speaker


Future of Cars: auto industry trends. Future of Robot drivers, future of e-vehicles, future of flying cars - auto industry keynote speaker

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Future of cars and auto industry: despite massive innovation eg electric power / robot drivers, fact is that change will be slow on the roads. Just about to give Futurist keynote for AutoLiitto 100th Anniversary in Helsinki where 6 old cars are sold for every new one, and cars often stay on the roads for over 25 years. What that means is that even if EVERY new car today in Finland was e-powered and robot driven, it would take at least 2 decades for major impact to be felt. There are also limitations imposed by physics of wind resistance - all cars designed by robots using wind tunnel data; also by the shape of human beings and the kind of seats they find comfortable to sit in. These limitations mean that even the most radical of cars/ road vehicles will look in many ways quite similar outwardly to some models today.

Read more: Future of Cars: auto industry trends. Future of Robot drivers, future of e-vehicles, future of flying cars - auto industry keynote speaker


Future of Animal Health: vets, pets, farming trends - for Boehringer Ingleheim by Futurist Keynote Speaker - VIDEO

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Future of animal health: pets, farm animal welfare, vets.

Market for pet food and pet products / health treatments for cats and dogs. New treatments for cows, pigs, horses, sheep. L+How research in animal health is being applied to human health, and human medical breakthroughs are being applied in animal health.

Future of stem cell research in rebuilding / repairing joint damage, joint injuries and arthritis in animals. Antiageing research in animals. Key trends in retail pet products such as pet food. Changing role of veterinary experts. Changes in farming practices and impact on animal health. Medtech in animal health. Changes in food production and retail food sales. 

Read more: Future of Animal Health: vets, pets, farming trends - for Boehringer Ingleheim by Futurist Keynote Speaker - VIDEO


Future Cancer Treatment: impact on future of health care and pharma trends. Expect rapid improvement in oncology. Futurist keynote for Pfizer by Dr Patrick Dixon - HEALTH CARE VIDEO

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Already over 70% of new cancers are cured in many EU nations. Expect major progress in gene profiling of tumours, matching chemo to tumour type, stimulation of the immune system to fight your own cancer cells more effectively. Specialist centres have higher cure rates - expect further investment in cancer clinics that have the very latest facilities, higher patient numbers, greater research funding. Expect many cancer therapies to FALL in price as patents expire - leading to more generics and biosimilar drugs at as little as 5% of previous prices. However, expect latest therapies to continue to be very expensive, especially if large molecules grown / manufactured in living cells. But even here, in an average of 10 years, each of those patents will also expire. In the meantime, small things will continue to make a huge difference: 

Read more: Future Cancer Treatment: impact on future of health care and pharma trends. Expect rapid improvement in oncology. Futurist keynote for Pfizer by Dr Patrick Dixon - HEALTH CARE VIDEO


Future of Retail in Europe, India, China, America, Africa - mergers and mega scale. Future of physical retail and online retail. Lessons for retail in emerging markets. Futurist Retail Keynote - VIDEO / POST

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

70% of UK retail spend is captured by only 7-8 companies. 50% of all EU retail spend is captured by only 10 retailers. The future of retail is massive scale and consolidation - farming, clothing, fast moving consumer goods, digital and so on - warehousing, logistics, supply chains, giant stores etc. Truth is that most retail outlets in the world are in emerging markets where 85% of all retail customers live, and 99.5% of them are the size of a shipping container or smaller, much smaller if you include informal street traders. We can debate about the speed of the trend or how far consolidation will go but Europe is pointing the way ahead. Of course the upside is astonishing efficiency which means lower prices usually, but the downside is lack of choice. Take bookselling: outside of major chains, there are few book outlets today in Europe, and most of them are small. But big chains only have limited shelf space so only a fraction of the 200,000 new titles in the UK each year will ever make it to a supermarket shelf. The rest will mostly have to fight online for attention of readers. Books are one thing, but fashion is quite another. If you wander into Shopping Malls from Beijing to Rio de Janeiro you find the same thing: almost identical chains selling identical range of items. Same in airport Duty Free areas globally. So shopping is becoming very boring - an additional factor driving online sales and further contraction in traditional retail outlets.

Read more: Future of Retail in Europe, India, China, America, Africa - mergers and mega scale. Future of physical retail and online retail. Lessons for retail in emerging markets. Futurist Retail Keynote - VIDEO / POST


Future of Banking and Payments - Futurist keynote on financial services - banking scale, bank legacy systems, banking cybersecurity threats and customer expectations in retail banking - BANKING TRENDS VIDEO / POST

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Comment after Future Banking keynote for Wolters Kluwer in Portugal: Expect radical changes in banking, driven by emotion as well as tech. For example in Germany, % of economy traded online is only 25% of that in the UK because of differences in trust re online payments. Expect loads more bank mergers: only 2 mobile phone operating systems in world; 2 major airline builders; 6 major auto companies BUT 26,000 banks / credit unions, while costs spiral / bank with regulation, cybersecurity etc. Major challenge to mergers will continue to be legacy systems since 97/100 largest banks globally still using cobol-based 1980s type systems on IBM hardware, costing on AVERAGE $100m to maintain EACH, with massive headaches to integrate to or more such dinosaurs after every merger or acquisition. Comment after keynote on future of banking for Wolters Kluwer. Comment after Future Banking keynote for Wolters Kluwer in Portugal: Expect radical...

Read more: Future of Banking and Payments - Futurist keynote on financial services - banking scale, bank legacy systems, banking cybersecurity threats and customer expectations in retail banking - BANKING TRENDS VIDEO / POST


Why NO DEAL Brexit created an instant nightmare for the EU because Irish/UK border cannot be closed - around 60,000 video views

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

3rd March 2019 -  Just returning from Brussels which was gridlocked yesterday with all EU national leaders. Boris Johnson set to become UK's next Prime Minister at next such gathering - part of long term global shift against politicians with carefully written, measured autocue speeches packed with well-researched facts, in favour of leaders who are more spontaneous, impulsive, emotional, outrageous and "authentic", looser with truth, often people with "colourful" and controversial personal lives.

And Brexit? Trouble is that in BOTH cases, the reality is that a no deal option is a nightmare. For Brussels it will certainly plunge the EU into customs chaos, because whatever they say, the UK / EU border CANNOT be properly closed. The ROI / NI border will continue to be a soft one because neither ROI nor UK have political interest or the resources to close over 300 miles of countryside border. Such a nightmare for the EU could only be stopped by effectively throwing the ROI out of the free trade area, placing it on a similar trade basis as the UK - with customs controls between ROI and rest of the EU. 

Read more: Why NO DEAL Brexit created an instant nightmare for the EU because Irish/UK border cannot be closed - around 60,000 video views


Future of Toys / Retail Trends. The more virtual and digital our world, the more parents will want to encourage physical, creative, learning toys like Lego. Report from Legoland - Futurist Retail keynote speaker Patrick Dixon. VIDEO

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

Future of toys - and why many parents are going retro for their children - with booming sales of traditional toys. Lessons from history of Lego and reasons for Lego success. Retail trends, toy shops, child games, construction toys, early learning, child development. Future of educational toys. Consumer trends and impact on traditional retail. Video blog from Legoland, Billund, Denmark by Futurist Keynote Speaker Patrick Dixon

"We need to understand how middle class parents think and feel, and how that will continue to change rapidly over the next few years. Today's generation of parents are bombarded continually with online opinions and advice and this is a highly stressed group of people, who are so much wanting the very best for their own children. Educational, simple and creative toys are going to continue to be really important to parents as antidotes to an iPad / video / online gaming world."

Read more: Future of Toys / Retail Trends. The more virtual and digital our world, the more parents will want to encourage physical, creative, learning toys like Lego. Report from Legoland - Futurist Retail keynote speaker Patrick Dixon. VIDEO


Why 25% of all deaths in Netherlands now caused by doctors deliberately killing people - euthanasia / mercy killing boom. Impact on your own family, life expectancy and future health care. Why I have always been totally opposed to euthanasia

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

25% of all deaths in Netherlands in 2017 were killings of patients by doctors, at their own request - up from 12% in 2013.

Most are dying in medically induced coma with the express purpose of killing the patient: unconscious for many days, with no food or water - so their hearts stop because of severe dehydration - 32,000 died this way in 2017. Why so many are requesting euthanasia, and what it all means for future of health care.

Comment by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist keynote speaker, advisor to global pharma companies and hospice-trained cancer physician, on why he is opposed to euthanasia being legalised.

Read more: Why 25% of all deaths in Netherlands now caused by doctors deliberately killing people - euthanasia / mercy killing boom. Impact on your own family, life expectancy and future health care. Why I have always been totally opposed to euthanasia


World's Best Futurist Speakers - how they create audience magic - comment by Futurist speaker Patrick Dixon on audience engagement, how to ensure maximum keynote impact. VIDEO

Dr Patrick Dixon, YouTube Futurist Keynote Speaker - Recent Futurist YouTube Videos - Keynote Speaker

How to create magic for audiences as a Futurist speaker and event organiser.

Entertain, provoke, challenge, be interactive and engaging.

Secrets of world-class venues.

Lessons from superbly staged global event for Janssen Pharmaceuticals, by Futurist speaker Patrick Dixon.

Read more: World's Best Futurist Speakers - how they create audience magic - comment by Futurist speaker Patrick Dixon on audience engagement, how to ensure maximum keynote impact. VIDEO


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