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What is Human Cloning? How to Clone. But Ethical?
Should genetic engineering or human cloning be used to create designer babies? - Patrick Dixon is a keynote speaker, writer and broadcaster on the future of health care, biotech and pharma.
Every parent wants a perfect child - but what happens when a parent wants a designer child - a child built to order, a pedigree child, a super-breed, super-human or just a baby with higher intelligence? Sex selection is just the start of the process, a form of designer life: parents deciding that only a certain type of perfectly normal child will be allowed to be born.
Latest research is turning all these dreams into reality, using technology developed originally for use in animals.
* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books. It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the future impact of AI on genetic engineering and health care.
Read more: Designer babies - how biotech can help parents create a 'perfect' child - huge ethical questions about the future of human race. Pharma trends and Future of Biotech Keynote Speaker
Futurist Keynote Speaker: Posts, Slides, Videos -
What is Human Cloning? How to Clone. But Ethical?
Human cloning: human clones can be made but not born. That's the naïve verdict of President Clinton, and also of advisors to the British government this week (9/12/98). Make clones for medical research, to grow human tissues from embryonic stem cells, but don't implant them into the womb. (Archive Feature by Dr Patrick Dixon, Los Angeles Times December 1998)
Read more: Human Cloning: Made in America, Born elsewhere